
Money Reiki III Grandmaster Teacher

The Grandmaster level of Money Reiki (Level III) will wake you up to your money reality fast if you have been trying to avoid it. It therefore demands spiritual maturity from you and also some accounting for things to improve for you. You will experience deep changes within that will help you to receive abundance of money and create little miracles in your life. You will learn to deal with challenges, face them with awareness and cleanse & heal them in order to create a better life. 

What you will learn in this level: 

  • Clearing energetic and personal issues about money 
  • Initiation and uses of 3 powerful symbols 

             o Affirmation symbol 

             o Clearing symbol 

             o Grandmaster symbol 

  • Clearings and working with the money Devas 
  • Passing the grandmaster attunement

Money Reiki Grandmaster course duration: 1 day, 4 Hours




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