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Inner Wisdom Light

The Seven Chakras

The Seven Chakras

Believe it or not, I first got to know about the chakras at a spa center when I went for a chakra based spa treatment. How my body felt after the spa treatment got me very interested in wanting to know more about the Chakras. Reiki and other spiritual knowledge I gained followed much after that. The Seven Chakras to me are not just energy centers of the body. They are the secret powerhouse of energy that store unfathomable information and have the ability to control so many aspects of our life at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. 

There are more than 108 chakras in the body. However, we generally study seven main chakras. This is because the 7 chakras are like the junction stations that are connected to the smaller chakras and can control their functions as well. So when we balance the energy flow in the seven main chakras, the energy of the other chakras of the body automatically balances out. 

The seven chakras mainly represent the 7 colors of the Rainbow. Each chakra is responsible for specific aspects of you and so there is a certain area of your life you are struggling with, chances are that the chakra responsible for that aspect of your life is blocked, out of balance or overactive. The deeper you struggle, the deeper the blockage would have spread in one or more chakras of your body. With Reiki and various other forms of energy therapy, the chakras can be balanced so that energy can flow freely through them and they perform at optimum level. 

The Seven Chakras are as follows: –

  • Colour: – Red;
  • Element: – Earth;
  • Root Chakra Affirmation: – I Am;
  • Seed Mantra: – LAM;
  • Core Function: – Safety and Securing. To be present here and to have. 

Mula’ means ‘root’ and ‘adhara’ means ‘basis or support’. Muladhara means ‘root/basis of Existence’ or basic support. The Muladhara Chakra is situated at the perineum point of your body or the base of your spine. 

The red colour of the Chakra is often called the colour of Shakti or divine feminine. Red symbolizes awakening of the sleeping consciousness to active, alert consciousness. It represents your foundation of stability, survival, and grounding.

It is linked to the unconscious mind, where our actions and experience from past lives are stored. Your root chakra is associated with your legs, feet, bones, large intestine and adrenal glands. 

As it is the first chakra and the closest to mother Earth, this chakra is connected to all that you need to survive in this world – like your prosperity and finances, your basic needs like safety & security and your physical needs like food, rest, sex. It controls your fight or flight response; referring back to your feelings of survival. 

The positive attributes of the root chakra are vitality, survival, vigour and growth. A balanced root chakra will make you assertive, courageous, stable and innovative. You will have high physical energy and will be grounded. You will be health conscious and will have mastery over your own physical self. 

Svadhishthana (The Sacral Chakra)

  • Colour: – Orange;
  • Element: – Water;
  • Sacral Chakra Affirmation: – I Feel;
  • Seed Mantra: – VAM;
  • Core Function: – Emotions and Desire.

In Sanskrit, Swadhisthana means ‘seat of the self’. The sacral chakra is located between the base of your spine and navel, and is most concerned with emotions. 

The orange colour of the chakra is the colour of sunrise, which is symbolic of the rising consciousness. Orange is the colour of activity and purity. It is the seat of the subconscious mind where all life experiences and impressions since the beginning of our existence in the womb are stored. While the Muladhara Chakra is the storehouse of our Karmas, these are activated in Swadhisthana Chakra. 

As this chakra represents the element of water, it is connected to your emotions, desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation and creativity. 

Physically, the sacral chakra is associated with your lower abdomen, prostate, urinary bladder, kidneys, reproductive organs and glands (ovaries and testes). 

A balanced sacral chakra will make you sociable, creative, independent, energetic and satisfied with life and self.

Manipura (The Solar Plexus) Chakra

  • Colour: – Yellow;
  • Element: – Fire;
  • Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmation: – I Do;
  • Seed Mantra: – RAM;
  • Core Function: – Personal Power, Self Confidence and Action.

The Sanskrit word ‘Manipura’ means ‘a shiny lustrous gem’. The Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra is located just above the navel in the diaphragm area between the stomach and lever. 

As this chakra represents the element of fire, it is also known as the sun centre. 

Physically, this chakra is concerned with your digestive system, pancreas and adrenals. 

The solar plexus chakra controls your personal power, your confidence and is considered to house your ego. This is where personality is formed. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are integrated here. 

This chakra is also your action centre. Your cognitive thoughts and ideas are actualized through your actions. With a balanced Solar Plexus chakra, you are able to act upon your passion, ideas and zeal in life to thrive and not just survive. 

Anahata (The Heart Chakra) Chakra

  • Colour: – Green;
  • Element: – Air;
  • Heart Chakra Affirmation: – I Love;
  • Seed Mantra: – YAM;
  • Core Function: – To Love and Be Loved.

The heart chakra is called the ‘Anahata’ Chakra in Sanskrit which means ‘unheard or unbeaten’. It is located at your heart centre. As this chakra represents the element of Air, it represents freedom and expansion. 

The heart chakra, of course, is the energy centre for love, compassion, peace, and harmony! This means that in this Chakra your consciousness can expand into infinity. It is connected with your lungs, heart, arms, hands and thymus gland, and any energy stagnation of this chakra can appear as an immune system, lung or heart problems. 

Being at the center of the upper 3 chakras and the lower 3 chakras, this chakra is essential for balance and hence is the perfect place for balancing the mind, body and soul. 

Visuddha (Throat Chakra) Chakra 

  • Colour: – Blue;
  • Element: – Space/Ether;
  • Throat Chakra Affirmation: – I Speak;
  • Seed Mantra: – HAM;
  • Core Function: – To Express.

This chakra is called ‘Visuddha’ chakra in Sanskrit which means ‘pure’.  This chakra is located centrally at the base of the neck. 

Its representation of the 5th elements of Space (Akasha) or ether suggests that everything occupies space and every space is always filled with energy. It therefore indicates that everything is energy. 

This chakra physically expresses itself in your neck, throat, mouth, teeth, tongue, nose, ears, shoulders, arms, hands, and thyroid glands.

It is associated with speaking your truth! It is the chakra of communication, creativity, and self-expression. The throat chakra is concerned with the creation of ideas, healing, transformation and purification. It deals with anything that is related to sound, both physical and meta-physical. 

Ajna (The Third Eye) Chakra 

  • Colour: – Indigo;
  • Element: – None;
  • Third Eye Chakra Affirmation: – I See;
  • Seed Mantra: – AUM / OM;
  • Core Function: – To Know and Intuit.

The third eye chakra is also called ‘Ajna’ or ‘Aagya Chakra’ in Sanskrit with means ‘the monitoring center’ 

The Ajna Chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows. For this reason, it is also known as the “third eye”.  This chakra represents light and intuition/telepathic energy. This chakra is connected to the eyes, nose, cerebellum, lower brain, ears, face and the pituitary gland. 

The Ajna Chakra is the control tower of the mind, body and soul. It is the centre of clarity, reasoning, wisdom and intuition. It is also the energy center of question, perception and knowing.  It forms the boundary between human and the divine consciousness. It is the meeting point of the three principal Nadis, Ida (Moon Nadi), Pingala (Sun Nadi) and Sushumna (Central Nadi). When the energy of these three nadis (meridians) unite here and rise further, you are connected to supreme consciousness. 

The third eye chakra is the seat of the “inner master”. It indicates that wisdom and knowledge are realised in all actions. 

Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) Chakra

  • Colour: – Violet;
  • Element: – None;
  • Crown Chakra Affirmation: – I am Aware;
  • Seed Mantra: – The Sound of Silence;
  • Core Function: – Experience Bliss and Oneness.

The crown chakra  known as Sahasrara Chakra in Sanskrit means “thousand-petaled lotus”, “Brahmarandhra” (the door to God) or the “Center of a Million Rays” because it radiates like the Sun. 

The color of the Crown Chakra is violet. It is located on the top of the head. The chakra is also associated with golden and white colours. It is associated with the upper brain, cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the pineal gland, and is concerned with information, understanding, acceptance and spiritual bliss. 

The crown chakra governs thoughts and cosmic energy. It governs spirituality and understanding. 

The crown chakra is the spiritual connection to your higher self and the universe. It develops your spiritual maturity. The crown chakra influences brain functions such as memory, concentration and intelligence. 

A good way to activate the crown chakra is through deep meditation, yogic practices and energy healing practices. The awakening of the crown chakra means revelation of divine splendour and attainment of supreme consciousness. Just as night disappears with the rising of the Sun, ignorance fades with the awakening of the crown chakra. You become aware of your inner self and find yourself one with the universe. There is no separation here. Only oneness. 

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