
Energy Healing

Believe it or not, everything in this world and beyond is ENERGY! Unlike everything in this world that comes with an expiry date and is defined, energy is infinite and abundant. The more you draw and focus energy toward something, the more it expands. This can be applicable in both positive and negative scenarios. A disease or a negative situation in your life, therefore, is nothing but the expansion of negative energy that manifests in the body/mind in a concentrated form thereby causing discomfort. When you focus your intention towards removing the blockages at an energy level and direct healing energy towards it, disease/ negative situations can truly make an impossible existence.

Whether you are struggling with debt, career issues, relationship issues, or health issues, whatever your situation is, I meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to be. It may take a single session or multiple sessions to address your situation but at the end of it, you will feel a lot better with the shifts you notice.

The energy therapies practiced at IWL include: 

  • Reiki 
  • Crystal healing including pendulum dowsing 
  • Angelic healing 
  • Access Bars 
  • Lama Fera 
  • DNA Healing

After you book your energy healing session 

  • You will be contacted over a personal and confidential conversation to understand your situation 
  • You will be guided into how to take the session based on a preliminary energy scan and what type of energy your body and mind is willing to receive 
  • After the session is completed, you will be guided on the next steps 
  • Energy healing sessions are possible both offline (physically) as well as online or at a distance (Except Access Bars that are only practiced in person). 
  • You can choose to take the session online or offline based on your convenience (except for Access Bars that can be booked only in person)

Join me in a personal energy healing session to experience the magic of how energy can be channeled to heal you or your situation.


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